ILCS Alumni Success Stories

At ILCS, success stories of alumni abound, each narrative a testament to the transformative power of education. One such tale is that of Amine  who graduated from ILCS with a degree in communication & marketing. Despite challenges and personal setbacks during his studies, Amine remained resilient, fueled by her passion for entrepreneurship.

Years later, Amine returned to ILCS as a guest speaker , sharing hisjourney from student to successful entrepreneur with current students. His story served as a source of inspiration, motivating them to pursue their dreams with passion and perseverance.

Today, Amine’s name is synonymous with success, his journey from ILCS alumna to thriving entrepreneur a shining example of what is possible with hard work, determination, and the support of a strong educational foundation.

Othman HADDI

I want to take some time to thank you for the great support and the quality of your classes, all of you did a fantastic job with me. ILCS is more than a school for me…

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At ILCS I had a rich learning experience, combining both theoretical and practical knowledge. Thanks to ILCS I developed professionally and personally …

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Through ILCS, I’ve gained a knowledge of the world and an ability to experience it that is unlike any other place. Through the varied curriculums and teaching styles…

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Saida Sibari

Ce qui m’a le plus marqué à ILCS, ce sont les rencontres que j’ai pu y faire. Avoir des camarades de classe des quatre coins du monde …

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Khadija Benchlikha

Mon parcours au sein de l’ILCS a été très enrichissant tant sur le plan personnel que professionnel. Grâce à ma formation parfaitement bilingue …

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